Rather than actually teaching students to read and comprehend data, something that produces literate people, the globalists have been actively redefining literacy.
You will hear terms like health literacy, media literacy, and inclusive literacy. These programs are faux literacy. While pretending to be about increasing reading and critical thinking skills, in actuality they are leftist agenda-driven indoctrinating and brainwashing operations. What they have little to do with is actual literacy.
You may hear about TIP, which is trauma-informed practices. This is avoiding triggers, creating safe spaces and eliminating discipline from education.
The big idea is “diverse learners.” This is the umbrella term for the innumerable learning styles invented from whole cloth. There is the VAK model, claiming you are either a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner. Someone else added reading and made it VARK.
Another system includes eight separate learning styles, those being visual, verbal, logical, auditory, social, intrapersonal, physical and naturalistic. […]
— Read More: www.wnd.com