Harbinger’s Daily – Freer Report https://freerreport.com There's a thin line between ringing alarm bells and fearmongering. Wed, 25 Dec 2024 02:56:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://freerreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/cropped-Freer-Report-Favicon-32x32.jpg Harbinger’s Daily – Freer Report https://freerreport.com 32 32 237572325 Let’s Explain the ‘Palestinian Jesus’ Syndrome https://freerreport.com/olivier-melnick-lets-explain-the-palestinian-jesus-syndrome/ https://freerreport.com/olivier-melnick-lets-explain-the-palestinian-jesus-syndrome/#respond Wed, 25 Dec 2024 02:43:13 +0000 https://freerreport.com/olivier-melnick-lets-explain-the-palestinian-jesus-syndrome/ The Palestinian Jesus was borne out of a faulty theology known as Christian Palestinianism. It is the same theology promoted by the creators of “Christ at the Checkpoint.” The agenda aims at re-writing history to take everything Jewish out of the Bible, including Jesus’ Jewish heritage and identity.

Let’s Explain the “Palestinian Jesus” Syndrome

Who is the “Palestinian Jesus”? This emerging concept has sparked heated debates over the past few decades. For 41 years, as a Jewish follower of Yeshua (Jesus), Olivier Melnick defended His Jewish identity countless times. Historically, attempts to strip Jesus of His Jewish roots stemmed from ignorance or cultural bias. But this “Palestinian Jesus” narrative is something entirely different.

This movement is part of a broader agenda aimed at delegitimizing Israel and rewriting history. It’s a distortion of biblical truth, denying Jesus’ Jewish heritage in favor of a politically motivated identity. Let’s unpack what this idea represents and why it’s dangerous.

The Origins of the “Palestinian Jesus”

The claim that Jesus was Palestinian comes from a theological framework known as Christian Palestinianism. This ideology seeks to erase the Jewish identity of scripture, the Bible, and Jesus Himself. Unlike past cultural misrepresentations, this agenda is rooted in historical revisionism and political propaganda.

During the 2024 Christmas season, the Vatican received a nativity scene featuring Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus. It was crafted from olive wood by a Palestinian artist and placed on a manger covered with a Palestinian keffiyeh, a symbol popularized by Yasser Arafat, the late Palestinian leader. Though initially distributed online, images of Pope Francis admiring the scene were quickly removed following public backlash.

Christian Palestinianism is essentially replacement theology amplified. It aims to replace Israel and the Jewish people in scripture with a Palestinian narrative. This approach not only distorts biblical history, but also threatens the theological foundations of the Christian faith.

Why Christian Palestinianism is Dangerous

1. It Distorts God’s Word

Christian Palestinianism denies clear biblical promises. For example, in Genesis 12:1-3, God makes an everlasting covenant with Abraham and his descendants, promising them the land of Israel. These promises have not expired, nor have they been transferred to another people. Scripture repeatedly confirms God’s unchanging covenant with Israel and its ultimate fulfillment.

Nevertheless, proponents of Christian Palestinianism cherry-pick or even reject portions of scripture. Naim Ateek, a known advocate, once stated that any biblical text not aligned with God’s universal love must be ignored. Such selective interpretation compromises the integrity of scripture, allowing ideology to override biblical truth.

2. It Rejects the Authority of Scripture

More than historical revisionism, this movement promotes outright rejection of God’s word. By undermining the Bible’s inspiration, Christian Palestinianism sets a dangerous precedent. It allows for an edited theology, redefined to support political narratives.

This mindset mirrors the Islamic concept of abrogation, where newer texts override older ones. The result is a shaky and subjective foundation that departs from the truth of God’s word.

3. It Promotes a One-Sided Narrative

Christian Palestinianism ignores key facts. It emphasizes allegations of apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and colonialism against Israel while downplaying Palestinian terrorism, human rights abuses, and violence. For genuine reconciliation to happen, a balanced view is essential. One-sided reconciliation isn’t reconciliation at all.

Recent events, such as Hamas-led attacks on October 7, highlight the complexity of these issues. Christian Palestinianism, however, dismisses such acts under a politically biased framework, deepening division and hostility.

4. It Portrays God as a Covenant Breaker

For Christian Palestinianism to hold, Israel must no longer matter in God’s plan. Advocates often claim that God abandoned His promises to Israel, replacing them with the church or other groups. But this directly contradicts scripture.

God’s covenant with Abraham is described as everlasting, reiterated countless times throughout the Bible. If God could break His promises to Israel, His trustworthiness would be in question. Thankfully, scripture assures us that God neither lies nor changes His mind (1 Samuel 15:29).

5. It Demonizes Israel

Once Israel’s covenantal relationship with God is denied, critics find it easier to vilify the Jewish state. Anti-Israel sentiment often disguises itself as criticism of political policies, but it frequently devolves into antisemitism. Radical anti-Zionism is increasingly normalized in media, politics, and even some evangelical circles.

This demonization flips truth on its head. Victims are portrayed as oppressors, while aggressors are seen as the oppressed. Such narratives further inflame tensions, making peace even harder to achieve.

6. It Paves the Way for Islamization

Bodily rewriting scripture isn’t the end goal. Christian Palestinianism often works in tandem with Islamic narratives, bridging theological gaps to promote an “Islamic replacement theology.” This trend replaces biblical truth with agendas favoring Palestinian nationalism and Islamic ideologies.

Jewish elements are removed from scripture to accommodate this shift. The connection between the Old and New Testament is severed, leaving behind a reimagined theology that bears little resemblance to biblical Christianity.

Why the “Palestinian Jesus” Cannot Exist

Scripture provides overwhelming evidence that Jesus was Jewish. He descended from Jewish patriarchs like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He was from the tribe of Judah, a descendant of King David, and was raised in a Jewish household. He followed Jewish laws, celebrated Jewish festivals, and was even referred to as “King of the Jews.”

Here are just a few biblical examples affirming Jesus’ Jewish identity:

  • Jesus had Jewish lineage: (Genesis 22:18, Matthew 1:1-2)
  • He followed the customs of Judaism: (Luke 2:21, John 2:13)
  • He was referred to as Rabbi: (John 1:38)
  • Pilate called Him “King of the Jews”: (Mark 15:2)

The idea of a “Palestinian Jesus” ignores history, geography, and scripture. It begins with the false claim that Palestinians were a native people of the land now called Israel. But this premise falls apart under historical scrutiny. Jesus was not Palestinian; He was, and always will be, a Jew.

The Universal Gift of Salvation

Despite the distortions of Christian Palestinianism, one truth stands firm: Jesus came for all people. Though He came first for the Jewish people, His salvation extends to every Jew, Arab, and Gentile in the world.

Jesus’ death and resurrection are universal gifts. Those who trust in Him receive forgiveness and eternal life. This includes Palestinians and people from every corner of the globe. But to fully understand Jesus’ mission, we must accept Him for who He is—not through a political or ideological lens, but through biblical truth.


The “Palestinian Jesus” narrative is historically and theologically flawed. It rewrites scripture, distorts God’s promises, and promotes harmful agendas. As followers of Yeshua, we must stand firm in defending His true identity as the Jewish Messiah and Savior of the world.

Jesus isn’t a symbol for political movements or propaganda. He is God’s eternal Son, born as a Jew, and came to reconcile humanity to God. Let’s celebrate His truth and share His message of salvation with all, untainted by revisionism or falsehoods.

Will you embrace the truth of who Jesus is today? Don’t wait—seek Him now. His invitation is open to all, no questions asked and no strings attached.

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https://freerreport.com/olivier-melnick-lets-explain-the-palestinian-jesus-syndrome/feed/ 0 228338
Ken Ham: This Is the Problem With United Healthcare CEO Murder https://freerreport.com/ken-ham-this-is-the-problem-with-united-healthcare-ceo-murder/ https://freerreport.com/ken-ham-this-is-the-problem-with-united-healthcare-ceo-murder/#respond Fri, 20 Dec 2024 13:44:15 +0000 https://freerreport.com/ken-ham-this-is-the-problem-with-united-healthcare-ceo-murder/ (Harbingers Daily)—Ken Ham highlights the disturbing trend where individuals like Luigi Mangione, accused of murder, are perceived as heroes by segments of society. He points to public support for Mangione, contrasting it with the moral implications of taking a life, which he argues should universally be recognized as wrong.

Ham references comments from politicians like Elizabeth Warren, suggesting that societal pressures can incite violence. He critiques this viewpoint as reckless and questions whether such arguments could apply if politicians were at risk.

The discussion delves into the consequences of abandoning absolute moral standards, suggesting that without a universal authority, individuals determine right and wrong based on personal preference. This perspective leads to moral confusion and societal decay.

Ham asserts that a society rejecting God and biblical principles fosters a culture where actions like murder can be justified. He emphasizes that the deeper issue is the state of the human heart, which he describes as deceitful and sinful.

Ham concludes by arguing for a need to address the underlying spiritual issues contributing to violence rather than merely treating the symptoms. He advocates for a return to biblical truth and spiritual regeneration through Jesus Christ as a solution to the culture’s moral decay.

https://freerreport.com/ken-ham-this-is-the-problem-with-united-healthcare-ceo-murder/feed/ 0 228261
Greg Laurie: Being Faithful in What God Has Set Before You https://freerreport.com/greg-laurie-being-faithful-in-what-god-has-set-before-you/ https://freerreport.com/greg-laurie-being-faithful-in-what-god-has-set-before-you/#respond Tue, 10 Dec 2024 18:14:58 +0000 https://freerreport.com/greg-laurie-being-faithful-in-what-god-has-set-before-you/ (Harbingers Daily)—Zechariah the priest was a faithful man. He was faithful in what God set before him. His job as a priest included serving in the temple in Jerusalem twice a year. It would have been an important occasion to leave his little country parish, go to the big city of Jerusalem to the temple, and enter the holy of holies and offer a sacrifice on behalf of the people of God.

This shows us that God often speaks to His people when they are busy doing their daily tasks. For example, when God called Moses to lead Israel out of Pharaoh’s bondage, he was tending sheep. When God called David to run an errand that would result in the death of the mighty Goliath in the Valley of Elah, he, too, was tending sheep.

When Elijah was looking for a successor to carry on his ministry, he found him plowing a field. And when God called Gideon to deliver Israel from the tyranny of the Midianites, he was threshing wheat. When Jesus called His disciples to change the world, they were mending their nets. They simply were doing what was set before them.

Some of us envision a great ministry for the Lord. We might have said, “One day I would like to be a missionary and cross the ocean for Christ.”

On the other hand, God might say, “Would you mind crossing the street first and talking to your neighbor?” The mission field is all around us. It’s right outside our doors.

God has given us spiritual gifts as Christians. When we come to Christ and ask God to empower us with the Holy Spirit, He gives gifts of the Spirit. Romans 12:6 tells us that in His grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.

The gifts of God don’t come fully formed. As Paul wrote to Timothy, “Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.” (2 Timothy 1:6). We need to take the gift God has given us and start using it. And the way we become better at what God calls us to do is by doing it a lot.

Each of us must take the gift that we have and develop it through use.

You might say, “I don’t know what I am good at.” Sometimes the best way to discover what you’re good at is to first discover what you’re not good at. Sometimes the process of elimination can be helpful. We can benefit from so-called failures by realizing that we’re not gifted in those areas. We all have abilities that God has given us. And we need to use them.

However, it’s difficult to steer a car when the engine isn’t running. And if we want to serve the Lord, we start by going out and doing something for Him. If we are faithful in the little things, then God will give us greater opportunities.

Greg Laurie is an evangelist, author, and the senior pastor of Harvest Riverside.
https://freerreport.com/greg-laurie-being-faithful-in-what-god-has-set-before-you/feed/ 0 228077
Greg Laurie: Being Faithful in What God Has Set Before You https://freerreport.com/greg-laurie-being-faithful-in-what-god-has-set-before-you-2/ https://freerreport.com/greg-laurie-being-faithful-in-what-god-has-set-before-you-2/#respond Tue, 10 Dec 2024 18:14:58 +0000 https://freerreport.com/greg-laurie-being-faithful-in-what-god-has-set-before-you-2/ (Harbingers Daily)—Zechariah the priest was a faithful man. He was faithful in what God set before him. His job as a priest included serving in the temple in Jerusalem twice a year. It would have been an important occasion to leave his little country parish, go to the big city of Jerusalem to the temple, and enter the holy of holies and offer a sacrifice on behalf of the people of God.

This shows us that God often speaks to His people when they are busy doing their daily tasks. For example, when God called Moses to lead Israel out of Pharaoh’s bondage, he was tending sheep. When God called David to run an errand that would result in the death of the mighty Goliath in the Valley of Elah, he, too, was tending sheep.

When Elijah was looking for a successor to carry on his ministry, he found him plowing a field. And when God called Gideon to deliver Israel from the tyranny of the Midianites, he was threshing wheat. When Jesus called His disciples to change the world, they were mending their nets. They simply were doing what was set before them.

Some of us envision a great ministry for the Lord. We might have said, “One day I would like to be a missionary and cross the ocean for Christ.”

On the other hand, God might say, “Would you mind crossing the street first and talking to your neighbor?” The mission field is all around us. It’s right outside our doors.

God has given us spiritual gifts as Christians. When we come to Christ and ask God to empower us with the Holy Spirit, He gives gifts of the Spirit. Romans 12:6 tells us that in His grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.

The gifts of God don’t come fully formed. As Paul wrote to Timothy, “Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.” (2 Timothy 1:6). We need to take the gift God has given us and start using it. And the way we become better at what God calls us to do is by doing it a lot.

Each of us must take the gift that we have and develop it through use.

You might say, “I don’t know what I am good at.” Sometimes the best way to discover what you’re good at is to first discover what you’re not good at. Sometimes the process of elimination can be helpful. We can benefit from so-called failures by realizing that we’re not gifted in those areas. We all have abilities that God has given us. And we need to use them.

However, it’s difficult to steer a car when the engine isn’t running. And if we want to serve the Lord, we start by going out and doing something for Him. If we are faithful in the little things, then God will give us greater opportunities.

Greg Laurie is an evangelist, author, and the senior pastor of Harvest Riverside.
https://freerreport.com/greg-laurie-being-faithful-in-what-god-has-set-before-you-2/feed/ 0 228079
Overwhelming Evidence: If It Wasn’t in the Bible, Scientists Would Consider a Global Flood Indisputable https://freerreport.com/overwhelming-evidence-if-it-wasnt-in-the-bible-scientists-would-consider-a-global-flood-indisputable/ https://freerreport.com/overwhelming-evidence-if-it-wasnt-in-the-bible-scientists-would-consider-a-global-flood-indisputable/#respond Sat, 30 Nov 2024 10:33:21 +0000 https://freerreport.com/overwhelming-evidence-if-it-wasnt-in-the-bible-scientists-would-consider-a-global-flood-indisputable/ (Harbinger’s Daily)—I had to smile recently when I read a short article about new research on the Grand Canyon. This geologic wonder has been studied by thousands of scientists and yet continues to surprise them with its various features—and this article highlighted several features that sound rather like there was a global flood as described in Genesis! This is not surprising to Bible-believing Christians.

The new research looked at the Tonto Group, a 500-meter-thick formation, containing the Tapeats sandstone, Bright Angel Shale, and Muav Limestone (as well as two other minor) strata, that is conventionally assigned to the Cambrian layer (this represents the initial stages of the global flood). While evolutionists believe it to be 540 million years old, listen to how they interpret this area based on their studies at Grand Canyon and other places (emphasis added):

  • “The Tonto Group holds a treasure trove of sedimentary layers and fossils chronicling the Cambrian Explosion some 540 million years ago, when the first vertebrates and animals with hard shells rapidly proliferated and sea levels rose to envelop continents with emerging marine life.”
  • “From the Tonto Group’s 500-meter-thick strata, we’re learning about sea-level rise and the effects of catastrophic tropical storms – probably more powerful than today’s devastating hurricanes – during a period of very hot temperatures when the Earth was ice-free.”
  • Sea levels were so high during this time period, Dehler says, that rocks like the Tonto Group were deposited atop every continent on Earth, as seas bathed the continents in a complex mosaic of shallow marine, coastal, and terrestrial environments.”

Sea levels rose all around the world, bathing the continents and depositing vast rock layers that stretch across continents. That’s all coming from evolutionary scientists—but it almost sounds like they’re describing the initial stages of the global flood as waters began to rise and sea creatures were rapidly buried by these rising floodwaters.

I’ve always said that if the Bible didn’t mention a global flood, most geologists would believe that there was one! The evidence is all around us, and it’s overwhelming.

The article mentions that Grand Canyon is like a crime scene, where detectives must piece together what happened in the past. And that’s true—that’s the nature of historical science. We can’t directly test, observe, or repeat the past, so worldview—what one believes about the past—determines the interpretation of the evidence in the present.

The battle isn’t over the evidence. It’s over two different interpretations of the same evidence because of two different starting points: God’s Word vs. man’s word.

Ken Ham is an author, speaker, and Founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis and its two popular interests: the acclaimed Creation Museum and the internationally known Ark Encounter.

https://freerreport.com/overwhelming-evidence-if-it-wasnt-in-the-bible-scientists-would-consider-a-global-flood-indisputable/feed/ 0 227875