When it comes to cutting the Department of Education, President Trump has an ally in conservative Republican Rep. Harriet Hageman of Wyoming.
Hageman was recently interviewed by Breitbart News and was asked how Trump can achieve his goal of closing the agency down.
Hageman suggested that Republicans have options on this.
From Breitbart:
Exclusive — Rep. Harriet Hageman: ‘We Should Not Have a Federal Department of Education’
When asked by host Mike Slater how Congress can cut spending in reconciliation, Hageman, who defeated former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), said there is a “whole variety of ways.”
“And one of it is to cut entire programs, as well as just simply reduce what we are outlaying for these various agencies,” she explained.
“I mean, we have got to be looking [at] the way that we’re doing this is through the specific committees. So we need to look at, what is it that… the Education Committee to the cut. Well, I would cut out the federal Department of Education,” she said. “That can save us hundreds of billions.”…
“Education is a state issue. We should not have a federal Department of Education. We can do block grants to the states, which is what we did prior to 1980, when the Department of Education came into existence. But the federal Department of Education, since it came into existence in 1980, our test scores have continuously slid,” she said. […]
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