If Americans are ever to be healthy again, an effective response to ubiquitous microplastics will be essential. Recent confirmation hearings of the MAHA maven Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. focused on his supposed vaccine and abortion positions while mainly ignoring his opening statement centered on American diets. Industrially-backed officials may thrust their ostrich heads in the political sands, but America’s babies and children are left exposed to toxic chemicals in the meantime – especially microplastics.
Chicken Little Sanders Panders
Bernie Sanders is on the record accepting Big Pharma money while condemning Kennedy for onesies. The Vermont Senator’s legacy will be his overt avoidance of considering Kennedy’s strong message about chronic diseases caused by ultra-processed foods, especially in children. Elizabeth Warren worried more about RFK, Jr. suing pharmaceutical companies than she did about Americans’ children’s health.
The US obesity and cancer epidemic is an incontrovertible scourge. Politicians blinded by partisan rancor will learn in due course that their Henny Penny antics against Kennedy’s vaccine stance will be remembered by American families when the scale of food toxins causing illness comes home to roost. Much of Kennedy’s vaccine skepticism about COVID-19 interventions – of which Sanders, et al., spoke nary a peep – has been confirmed, not debunked.
Studies increasingly demonstrate toxic threats to developing children’s bodies from microplastics and chemicals called phthalates (plasticizers) used in plastic containers and food service gloves. A recent study of human brains found an average equivalent of a plastic spoon’s worth of microplastics per brain, an increase of 50% in eight years. A 2023 study estimated that humans are inhaling the equivalent of a credit card per week of microplastics.
Insane in the Membrane
While speculative fearmongering about “emerging” bird flu or the perils of raw milk abound, the evidence of the harm to the human heart, brain, vital organs, and respiratory system caused by phthalates and microplastics emerged years ago but remains unaddressed. Invisible plastic particulates and the chemicals they contain abound like a swirling potion of unseen mini-viruses that kill slowly through cancers, obesity, thyroid problems, birth defects, hormone imbalance, hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes, and are suspected links to autism, dementia, and unhealthy gut microbiomes. […]
— Read More: www.libertynation.com