President Donald Trump’s tremendous start in sealing the U.S. border and deporting illegal migrants can be a springboard for a global initiative to mobilize like-minded world leaders to do the same. Now is the time for the State Department to convoke a worldwide summit of national leaders, officials, organizations, and citizens who are aligned with Trump to coordinate the international fight against illegal immigration.
On an international stage, Trump could shine a bright light on the funding sources and tactics of an axis of globalist NGOs, international organizations, and left-wing, open-border politicians. For years, this migration “industry” has built out networks and support mechanisms that encourage and assist millions of people, confronted with economic privation and corrupt overlords in their homelands, to pick up and flee to the developed world.
The journeys are mostly clandestine and unauthorized, often dangerous. The migration industry’s lawyers, activists, and politicians have cleverly manipulated outdated international legal obligations to pressure First-World countries into accepting this never-ending stream of economic migrants under the guise that they are authentic political refugees and asylum-seekers. Blindly funded by donor governments, the migration industry continues to collect billions perpetuating this endless cycle.
An international summit, convoked and led by Trump, could be the start of overturning this self-interested and, yes, corrupt migration complex. A Trump summit against illegal migration would assemble like-minded world leaders and send a clarion call that global stability, rule of law, and human safety require countries to maintain strong borders and enforce sensible national security priorities when dealing with dubious refugees, asylum-seekers, and unauthorized migrants.
For years, the “international community” has been the playground of far-left globalists whose leitmotif has been to advocate ever more open-borderism. They have orchestrated countless world-leader powwows and conferences from Brussels to New York, from Washington to Mexico City, all helping to lay the groundwork for today’s global migratory chaos. President Trump’s summit would dramatically reverse these practices and represent an historic watershed change by demanding new international norms and repudiating open-border orthodoxy. […]
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